Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 11220
Title: Pollution Reduction Program 6 - Inspection and Maintanance of Ammonium Nitrate Storage Shed
Start date: 13 Oct 2023
Licence Condition
On 22 February 2023 the EPA inspected the Premises to assess surface water management. It was raining heavily during the inspection. The EPA observed water ingress in a storage shed storing ammonium nitrate prill. The EPA considers the competent handling of ammonium nitrate must not include the wetting of the material. The EPA also observed excessive ammonium nitrate build up on the floor of the storage shed. Ammonium nitrate residue on the storage shed floor may increase the tracking of material outside of the shed and contribute to the risk of nutrient pollution in an unlined drain and within on site dams.
The Licensee must commission a suitably qualified person to undertake an inspection of the Ammonium Nitrate Storage Shed. The inspection must assess the shed for areas of potential water ingress.  The Licensee must undertake maintenance and repairs to the ammonium nitrate storage shed that includes: Fixing and making water-tight all identified areas of potential water ingress into the shed.The Licensee must provide the EPA with documents to verify the above items have been rectified by 29 February 2024. The documents must be sent to the EPA by email to